Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam

Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam

Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam is a heavenly mix of sweet and spice. A perfect partner for cheese and wicked condiment for your breakfast sandwich.

Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam

This Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam has certainly perked up the past two weeks, which were mainly spent sleeping and chilling as I tried to recover from jet lag. I’ve been enjoying it with everything but my absolute favourite combination is with goats cheese on a toasted bagel 🤤 

Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam

When I returned from holiday I had an abundance of red chillies and my very first red pepper. I wanted to make something special and I definitely did with this jam.


Lime and Ginger Chilli Jam

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Makes approximately 1 kg

Difficulty: Easy


100g red pepper, stem and seeds removed

100g red chillies, stem and seeds removed

A thumb of ginger, peeled and finely grated

Juice of one lime

400 ml cider vinegar

700g Jam sugar 


  1. Put a small plate in the freezer and sterilise 4 x 250g jars.
  2. Gently heat 350 ml of cider vinegar and the jam sugar in a large pan, stir occasionally.
  3. Meanwhile pop the chillies, pepper, lime juice and remaining cider vinegar into a blender. 
  4. Put the grated ginger into the centre of a piece of kitchen roll and gather up the sides to create a parcel. Squeeze the parcel of ginger over the blender to extract the juice and blitz until you have a smooth paste.
  5. When the sugar has dissolved (approximately 10 minutes) stir in the the chilli paste and turn up the heat. Bring to a rolling boil and leave for 5 minutes, do not be tempted to stir. 
  6. Test the jam by dripping a small amount onto the chilled plate. After 30 seconds check the consistency, you are looking for a soft gel that moves slightly. If the jam is still runny continue to boil and test every couple of minutes until the jam sets on the chilled plate. 
  7. Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes before stirring the jam and carefully ladling into your sterilised jars. 


The heat of the jam depends on the chillies you use.

If you are using a sugar thermometer the setting point for jam is 105c.

Be careful handling the jam mixture as it will be extremely hot.

Wear gloves when preparing the chillies.

Enjoy 😊

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